
What is an irrational fear or phobia?

A phobia is an irrational fear, literally a fear without good reason, or a fear of something that may not happen. People with phobias often experience unwanted responses to animals, objects, insects, actions or places.

People with phobias often know their response is irrational, which makes it harder to accept. “Why am I reacting like this when I know it can’t hurt me?” is something we can hear on a regular basis from clients who come to see us.

Examples of Phobias are:

  • Fear of flying
  • Claustrophobia
  • Fear of sickness (often linked to social phobias)
  • Fear of insects
  • Fear of heights
  • Fear of needles
  • Fear dentists
  • Fear of Pregnancy
  • Fear of water

Ready to find out more?

To arrange a free initial consultation please contact me on 07801481724 or email me at